"God has placed desires in your heart—His promise is real."
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." (Psalm 37:4) Let’s honor those desires and fulfill His calling together.
"You are uniquely made, fearfully and wonderfully crafted."
Your mission matters. Your role is vital. "Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." (1 Corinthians 12:27)
"We are puzzle pieces in God’s grand design."
Convene is here to serve YOUR mission. TOGETHER, we shine brighter, serve deeper, and impact greater.
"Isolation dims our light."
Imagine what we could do united in purpose. "Let your light shine before others." (Matthew 5:16)
"Christian dollars should circulate for Kingdom impact."
Muslims recirculate $14 out of $15.
Jews recirculate $12 out of $15.
Christians? Less than $1 out of $15.
Let’s change that—together.
"Convene was designed by God, for His people, for over 28 years."
Save Time, Money & Manpower
Increase Top-Line Growth
Amplify Your Mission
"What if your partner understood your mission?"
Trusted. Proven. Faith-driven.
For 28+ years, Convene has empowered SMBs and Fortune 500 companies across 110 countries.
"What God birthed in you is vital to His Kingdom."
We’re here to equip and walk alongside you. Let’s serve faithfully and shine His light together.
What If ... your organization could thrive with less stress and more focus?
Imagine saving time, money, and manpower while advancing your mission with clarity and purpose.
What If ... technology didn’t overwhelm but empowered you?
Picture seamless tools that amplify your impact, free your resources, and align with your Kingdom vision.
What If ... you had a partner who shared your faith and calling?
A partner who listens, equips, and ensures your success—not selling empty promises but delivering lasting solutions.
What If ... your growth fueled the Kingdom's growth?
Envision your efforts creating a ripple effect—strengthening other believers, organizations, and communities for God’s glory.
What If ... your budget was fortified with up to 80 revenue streams?
Imagine unlocking new avenues of income that sustain your mission and expand your reach like never before.